Gold jewelry is a highly valued item for most people and worn frequently, even while showering.   But can you shower with gold?   This question is very important to anyone who wants their gold  items, regardless if its pure gold jewelry or gold filled, to remain shiny and not fade away easily.   In this article, you will learn all about showering with gold jewelry and how to maintain it.

What Happens When Gold Gets Wet?

Can You Wear Gold Jewelry in the Shower?

The good news is water does not affect gold at all — with one caveat.  This rule only applies to certain types of gold, like pure gold.

If you’re sure you have pure, solid 24k gold jewelry, you can feel safe wearing that gold jewelry in the shower without the water harming or damaging it.  However, water is oftentimes not the most harmful element in the shower, and other dangers lurk that you should be aware of (which we’ll discuss in a moment).

Beyond pure gold jewelry, what about other types of gold jewelry? Can You Wear Gold Plated Jewelry in the Shower?

When gold or gold plating comes into contact with water, several reactions may occur, depending on various factors and the environment. Here are some things to consider:

Initial Contact: Solid gold is generally resistant to corrosion, tarnishing, and rusting. Plated gold is different and can not withstand the same circumstances. Pure gold is more resistant to water damage than plated jewelry, but few items are pure gold. Plated gold is typically mixed with ced jewelry is more sensitive to water than pure gold jewelry. Gold plated jewelry is a piece of jewelry made from a cheaper, lower-quality base metal and then covers that base metal with a thin gold layer.

Wearing gold in the shower requires consideration of the effects that water, particularly chlorinated or saltwater, can have on gold jewelry. Although pure gold is resistant to water, most gold jewelry is an alloy, which means it's combined with other metals to increase strength.   These additional metals can react with elements like chlorine or salt, potentially causing discoloration and a loss of shine over time. Solid gold pieces are less prone to these reactions than gold-plated items, but they are not completely immune.

Types of Waterproof Gold

Good news!  Most gold is waterproof.  Various gold alloys may affect the gold's reaction to water over the years, including regular water, salt water, and chlorinated water, and their effects.  Here are some characteristics of three common types of waterproof gold:

Pure Gold

Pure gold, or 24K gold, is the purest form of gold jewelry available on the market and is common in different countries.  24k gold is a popular selection for traditional jewelry and is used in many cultures, featuring handmade and custom designs.  Pure gold displays a rich reddish-gold hue.

Pure gold consists of 99.9% gold and is highly resistant to corrosion, tarnishing, and rust.  Although it is waterproof, it is also very soft because there are no alloys added to the composition.  Scratching, denting, and other damage can easily occur because 24k gold is so soft.

10K Gold

10K gold is composed of 41.7% pure gold mixed with alloys such as copper, zinc, or silver.  10k gold is very durable, making it the perfect choice for everyday jewelry because of its alloy-to-gold ratio. 10k gold is resistant to corrosion and is considered waterproof.  It can withstand exposure to water, soap, and mild detergents without significant damage (depending on the stones).

14K Gold

14k gold is a common and popular choice for fine jewelry. Affordable yet also luxurious, 14k gold is 58.3% pure gold with a mixture of alloys similar to 10k gold and is also resistant to corrosion.  14k gold is waterproof for everyday wear,  just like 10k gold, pure gold, 18k gold, and other gold karats.


Can I wear my gold jewelry in the shower?

Solid gold jewelry can be worn in the shower, but it's not recommended for gold-plated or lower-quality items.  The alloy metals may react with water and chemicals, leading to damage over time.

Will soap and shampoo affect my gold jewelry?

Soap and shampoo can leave a film on your jewelry, making it look dull.  It's best to remove your jewelry before showering.

How do I clean my gold jewelry after it gets wet?

Pat it dry with a soft cloth.  For residue, use mild soap with warm water and a soft brush, then rinse and dry.

What should I do if my gold jewelry has lost its shine from showering?

Clean it with warm water and mild dish soap, gently scrub with a soft brush, rinse well, and dry with a soft cloth.

Is it safe to wear gold jewelry in a swimming pool or hot tub?

Avoid wearing gold jewelry in pools or hot tubs as chlorine and other chemicals can damage the alloys.

Can hard water affect the appearance of my gold jewelry?

Hard water can leave deposits on your jewelry, requiring more frequent cleaning.

How often should I clean my gold jewelry if I wear it in the shower?

Clean it at least once a week to prevent buildup from soap and hard water.

What's the best way to store my gold jewelry to protect it from moisture?

Store it in a dry place, using a jewelry box with a soft lining or individual pouches.

Can wearing gold jewelry in the shower cause it to tarnish?

Solid gold doesn't tarnish, but the alloy metals can react with water and chemicals, potentially leading to tarnishing over time.

Are there any types of gold jewelry that should never be worn in the shower?

Avoid wearing gold-plated, gold-filled, or jewelry with gemstones in the shower as it can damage the plating and affect the gemstones.


Extending the life of any piece of jewelry simply by taking good care of it will allow you to enjoy it for years to come and pass it down as a family heirloom, or keepsake from the memories attached to the jewelry and occasion.

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