Out of 6 primary diamond clarity grades that range from Flawless (FL) to Included (I), VS and VVS diamonds are among the most widely appreciated options.

Diamond Clarity Grade Table

Let’s take a closer look at what VS and VVS diamonds are while focusing on the main similarities and differences between them. In this comparison guide, you’ll also find some useful buying tips, real-world examples, and benefits of each clarity grade to choose the one that best suits your preferences and budget.

What is a VS Diamond?

The "VS" symbol is used to indicate the diamond's quality and condition. It stands for "Very Slightly included" and is one of the most important symbols on a diamond certificate. This grade can be classified into VS1 diamond and VS2 diamond. The higher the "VS diamond clarity," the better the quality of the diamond.

VS diamonds are a type of diamond that is graded on a clarity scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest quality. VS diamonds are also known as "wolf" diamonds because they have a distinctive cleft or "wolf's mouth" on one side of the diamond. VS diamonds are often used in luxury jewellery because they have a higher colour and clarity than other diamonds. They are also less likely to contain blemishes or inclusions than other diamonds.

Advantages of VS Diamond

When it comes to diamonds, there's no denying that VS Diamond is one of the most popular brands on the market.  Here are some of the key advantages of choosing VS diamond over other brands:

  • VS Diamond is known for its high-quality standards.  All diamonds sold through VS are certified by a third-party laboratory and have passed numerous tests to ensure their quality.
  • VS Diamond has a wide range of options available, so you're sure to find the perfect cut diamond for your needs. You can choose from traditional diamond cuts or innovative designs such as marquise and heart-shaped diamonds.
  • VS Diamond offers a wide selection of colours, including yellow, orange, and pink diamonds.  This allows you to find the perfect diamond that matches your personality and style.

What is a VVS Diamond?

​VVS diamonds are prized for their near-perfect clarity and are often sought after by those who desire the highest quality diamond possible. However, it's important to note that clarity is just one of the 4Cs (color, clarity, cut, and carat weight) that contribute to a diamond's overall quality and value. The cut, in particular, has a significant impact on a diamond's sparkle and brilliance, and even a diamond with a lower clarity grade can still exhibit exceptional optical performance if it is well cut.

A VVS diamond is a type of diamond that has been graded by the GIA (Gemological Institute of America) as having very high quality. This means the diamond has fewer impurities and is of high quality overall. VVS diamonds are rare and expensive, costing more than other types of diamonds. They are often used in jewellery because they are thought to be more durable and sparkly than other types of diamonds.

VVS diamonds stand for "Very Very Slightly Included", meaning that these diamonds contain few inclusions and cracks that are visible to the naked eye. Even when viewed under a 10x magnifying glass, these inclusions are extremely small and difficult to detect. Therefore, the clarity of VVS diamonds is extremely high, giving people a pure and flawless visual enjoyment.

Advantages of VVS Diamond

When it comes to choosing the perfect diamond, there are many factors to consider. VVS diamonds are cut and polished in Switzerland, and they boast a range of unique advantages that may set them apart from other gems.  Here are three of the most notable:

  • VVS diamonds have a higher colour saturation than other diamonds. This means they appear brighter and more colourful when wearing them.
  • VVS diamonds have a higher “fire”than other diamonds. This means they sparkle more in light and look more expensive.
  • Finally, VVS diamonds are less likely to chip or break than other types of diamonds. So if you're looking for a diamond that will last through generations, VVS is a great option!

Real World Examples

When comparing VS vs. VVS clarity grades, it’s important to consider a few real-world examples to aid in visual comprehension by illustrating the major similarities and differences.

Example Comparisons

If we take two diamonds, one with a VS clarity grade and the other with a VVS clarity grade, we won’t be able to distinguish them with the naked eye. They will most likely appear identical to each other.

However, the differences may get more noticeable if we take two high carat weight diamonds. The larger the diamond, the easier it gets to observe the inclusions and blemishes.

Due to their similar visual features but different price ranges, VS and VVS diamonds are often chosen for different types of jewelry.

​For example, Icecartel incorporates VVS diamonds in its exclusive diamond chain collection to achieve superior brilliance and a near-flawless appearance.

Contrarily, some diamond jewelry retailers often opt for VS-clarity diamonds for jewelry pieces that feature smaller gemstones. This is because inclusions and blemishes are hardly visible in low carat weight VS diamonds, making jewelry sparkly and affordable at the same time.

For engagement rings, on the other hand, most jewelers choose VVS-grade diamonds to minimize the visibility of inclusions as the carat weight is typically higher.

Customer Reviews and Experiences

Before choosing between VS vs. VVS diamonds, it’s important to check customer reviews and learn more about their experiences and observations.

​After carefully reading through multiple testimonials and reviews from customers who have purchased VS or VVS clarity grade diamonds, we can verify that the visual differences are extremely minimal, even negligible in the majority of cases.

​The same applies to the light performance of VS and VVS diamonds. These two clarity grades offer pretty much identical brilliance, according to customer reviews.

Buying Considerations

No matter which clarity grade you opt for, diamonds are quite expensive, so considering a few key aspects ensures you get a high-quality gemstone that meets your preferences and budget. Focus on the two points of Certification and Authenticity, Personal Preferences and Use.

When buying a VS grade diamond, consumers should still pay attention to the other four main parameters of the diamond: Cut, Color, Carat Weight and Clarity. A good cut can make a diamond shine even more, while the right color and carat weight can affect the overall visual effect and value of a diamond. At the same time, although the clarity of the VS grade is already very high, consumers can still choose VS1 or VS2 grades according to personal preferences and budgets, VS1 is slightly clearer than VS2, but the price may also be slightly higher.

Where Can You Buy VS and VVS Diamonds?

There are three main places where you can find diamonds: online, at a jeweller, or at a gem show. Online retailers often have the best deals on diamonds, but be sure to do your research before making a purchase.Welcome to Zuanfa Jewelry online store.


VVS (Very, Very Slightly Included) and VS (Very Slightly Included) clarity grades are two of the most popular diamond options, all thanks to their exceptional clarity, eye-clean appearance, and reasonable price.

If you want a diamond that will last forever and look good all the time, go with a VVS diamond. If you're looking for something that's affordable and won't need to be replaced for a while, go with a VS diamond.

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