As a gemstone, Moissanite is much loved for its unique brilliance and durability. It is not only beautiful, but also more cost-effective than traditional diamonds. However, choosing the right moissanite involves several aspects, one of which is the color grade. This article aims to help you better understand the color grades of Moissanite so that you can make the best choice based on your budget and personal preferences.
What is Moissanite?

Moissanite is an artificial gemstone made of silicon carbide (SiC), originally found in its natural form in meteorites. It takes its name from the French chemist Henri Moissan, who first discovered the mineral. Moissanite has a high refractive index, high dispersion and excellent hardness, making it an ideal choice for jewelry making. Compared to diamonds, moissanite offers similar optical properties, but at a more affordable price.

Color scale of moissanite

The color rating of moissanite usually follows a color rating system similar to diamond, but also has its own unique features. These grades are evaluated through professional gemological laboratories, such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). The color scale runs from D to Z, where D represents the highest grade of colorless, while Z represents gemstones with a distinct yellow or brown hue.

The characteristic color grade of moissanite

*Colorless range: D to F

*Approximate colorless range: G to J

*Micro color range: K to R

*Color range: S and below

Choose the right color level

Budget consideration

Color grades are directly related to price, so you need to consider your budget when choosing. Colourless grade moissanite is more expensive, while coloured grade is more economical.

Personal style

The choice of color grade of Moissanite should also consider personal style preferences. Some people prefer traditional colorless gemstones, while others may prefer the unique charm of colored gemstones.


If you plan to buy moissanite for a specific occasion, such as an engagement ring, then choosing a grade that is close to colorless may be the best choice. And for daily wear, slightly colored moissanite can also be a good choice.

The factors that affect the color of moissanite include:

  • Quality of Raw Material

- If the quality of the moissanite crystal raw material is lower, it may result in a yellow or grayish hue.

- High-quality raw materials can produce moissanite that is closer to colorless or has a slight tint.

  • Growth Conditions

- During the synthesis process, if the equipment parameters are not at optimal levels, it can lead to color variations in the moissanite.

- Temperature, pressure, and other conditions during growth can impact the color of the moissanite.

  • Dopants

- Different elements added during the synthesis process can create various colored moissanites, such as yellow, purple, blue, green, or teal.

- Different dopants can cause moissanite to exhibit different colors.

  • Cut Quality

- The quality of the cut can affect the perception of moissanite's color.

- Good cutting can maximize the fire and brilliance of the gemstone, thus masking any potential color.

- Poor cutting can make the color of the moissanite more apparent.

  • Clarity and Inclusions

- Inclusions or impurities can alter the color of moissanite.

- The more inclusions present, the more likely the color will be affected.

  • Carat Weight

- Larger carat weights can make the color more noticeable, especially in the lower color grades.

- Larger carat moissanites may show more color, particularly in the near-colored range.

  • Setting

- Different settings and metal types can influence the color appearance of moissanite.

- For example, white metal settings can make moissanite appear whiter, while yellow metal settings may enhance its yellow tone.

  • Environmental Factors

- While moissanite itself does not change color over time, light, or environmental changes, the lighting conditions around it can affect visual perception.

In summary, the color of moissanite is influenced by several factors, including the quality of raw material, growth conditions, dopants, cut quality, clarity, carat weight, setting, and environmental factors. Understanding these factors can help consumers better select moissanite that matches their personal taste and budget.

Tips for buying certified Moissanite

*Research suppliers: Select reputable suppliers.

*View Certificate: Request to view Moissanite's official certification certificate.

*Try it on: If possible, try it on yourself to make sure it meets your expectations.

Answers to frequently asked questions about Moissanite color

Q: Does the color grade of Moissanite affect its value?

A: Yes, the color grade is one of the important factors in determining the value of Moissanite. Colourless grade moissanite is usually of higher value.

Q: How to judge the true color grade of Moissanite?

A: The best way to do this is through an accredited gemstone laboratory. Professional gemologists use scientific methods to determine color grades.

Q: Why is the color grade of moissanite important?

A: The color grade affects not only the overall appearance of the stone, but also its market value. Choosing the right color grade helps to ensure that you get a satisfactory gemstone.


Choosing the color grade of Moissanite is a process that involves many considerations. By understanding what color grades mean and how they are affected by other factors, you can make choices with more confidence. Most importantly, choose a moissanite that fits your personal taste and budget so that it can truly become your precious gem.


Is moissanite a diamond?

Moissanite is a completely different precious stone than diamond made of silicon carbide, however to the naked eye it is difficult to distinguish from real diamonds.  It has more fire and brilliance than any other gemstone, resulting in more sparkle, with greater fire and colored flashes than diamonds.  They are nearly as hard as diamond and durable enough to last a lifetime at fractions of the price.

How does moissanite compare to natural diamonds in terms of the 4Cs?

Moissanite is graded according to the same 4Cs as natural diamonds, though it can have subtle tints of yellow, green or brown and generally have higher clarity due to its lab-created nature.

What is the GIA scale for moissanite color grading?

The GIA scale for moissanite color grading ranges from D (colorless moissanite) to Z (tinted moissanite), with D-F being colorless, G-I near-colorless and J-K slightly tinted.

How is moissanite carat weight measured?

Moissanite carat weight is measured in millimeters, rather than grams as with diamonds, and its size is compared to natural diamonds using the Diamond Equivalent Weight (DEW) system to account for its lower density.

What factors affect moissanite cut quality?

Cut quality for moissanite is influenced by the optical properties, shape and design of the gemstone, with the round brilliant cut providing the ideal option to maximize sparkle and fire.

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